We updated our glossary article about „waste sorting“.
There are some new download links to good practice guides in different languages.
Please note that the contact information given in the guides for other languages can be different. For questions please contact the waste management of the district „Kreis Steinburg“ and not the waste management of the other districts („Kreis Pinneberg/Wesermarsch“):
Amt für Umweltschutz
Abteilung Abfallwirtschaft
Karlstraße 13
25524 Itzehoe
Tel.: 04821/69 484
Fax.: 04821/69 669
E-Mail: abfall[at]steinburg.de
Internet (DE): „Abfallwirtschaft“ on steinburg.de
- Monday – Friday from 08:00 to 12:00 hours and Wednesday from 14:30 to 15:45 hours.
Why is waste sorting so important?
- Environment: Save natural resources with recycled products; protect environment, nature, groundwater; energy recovery, waste-to-energy, less landfills, energy saving and climate protection.
- Save money: Using the black refuse sacks for everything can be quite expensive. Furthermore, you already paid for the disposal of packaging material with the yellow sack („Gelber Sack“) when you bought the product. Why would you pay twice for their disposal?
- Avoid additional charges. For example: repeatedly using the brown biodegradable waste bin in a wrong way.
- Avoid conflicts: e.g. with your neighbours, because of garbage sacks or bulky waste in the house entrance, odor nuisances, etc.
Read the full glossary article about waste sorting and good practice guides in several languages: here.