Various topics about the German culture explained in two languages: دواء, صيدلية, Medikamente (medication), Apotheke (pharmacy) حلويات الأطفال بجيلاتين الخنزير, حلال, Gummibärchen (gummy bear) روضة أطفال, التعليم الإلزامي, مدرسة, Schulpflicht (compulsory education), Kindergarten زجاجة الإسترجاع Pfandflaschen (reusable bottles) Deutschland für Anfänger’s Youtube channel "Deutschland für Anfänger" richtet sich an arabisch sprechende Menschen, die neu …
Schlagwort: Learn German
Welcome Grooves
Welcomegrooves is a co-production made by volunteers providing courses for learning German online. Listen to the German language, download the audio files and text translations. More information about language courses in our glossary.